Monday through Friday, May 27-31, 2024—Golf and a Trip to Memphis

As another month comes to an end, the unpredictable weather was predictable—great, then windy and rain! Kay got in a few pickleball games on Monday at Diamanté, A snake, a few butterflies, and dragonflies and damselflies provided subjects for a few photographs in our back “yard”.

I participated in a golf scramble with the guys at church on Tuesday. The golf game was pretty bad, though there were occasional good shots that keep one coming back. My excuse is that back issues and a strained right knee ACL alter my swing just enough such that there isn’t any consistency.

We traveled to Memphis on Wednesday to visit with Jenny, Harper, Lina, and Sutton. We had not seen them since mid-December; they have grown a bunch. And their communication skills are greatly increasing. Jenny is a supermom, and is to be admired for raising an 11, 4 and 3-year old as a single mom! Jenny was trying to work at home, and the kids were excited and rambunctious—not a good combination!

Link and Sutton
Harper and Link

After the visit, we attended Harper’s Spring Dance Recital. She performed in the Jazz, Ballet, and Gymnastics categories, and I must say that she was the best of her group, executing all routines to near perfection. And, she’s such a sweet young lady. Regretfully, I didn’t shoot any still photographs, but did make a couple of videos which I will post to YouTube.

The drive home on Thursday was near effortless as we let the car do most of the driving, with frequent warnings to put hands on the steering wheel. Actually, the car drove itself only occasionally! After arriving home, a few bugs awaited photographing in the back, plus our friend “Slim”, including a beautiful Calico Pennant dragonfly. It’s the first time one has been observed in our yard. 

Friend Sue arrived for a visit in the afternoon, and she, Kay, and Pam went out for dinner at Diamanté in the evening while I remained home to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Friday was pretty quiet for me as Kay had an appointment in the morning, and she and Sue had a fun and productive night at Oaklawn Casino. I did go to Middle Fork Barrens Natural Area about midday and shot quite a few photographs as there were several species of butterflies flitting about. Here are a few of the small butterflies photographed.

And, here is a Pipeline Swallowtail.

And, an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.

And, a Great Spangled Fritillary.

And, Arkansas’ state butterfly, the rare female Diana Fritillary.

And, Arkansas’ state butterfly, the also rare male Diana Fritillary.

Not to be outdone, a couple of dragonflies cooperated.

And this most rare wildflower, Pelton’s Rose Gentian, found in only two places in the world, both in Saline County, Arkansas..

And finally, a few other beautiful wildflowers.

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