Monday through Sunday, May 13-19, 2024—A New Project

For each of the last several summers, a new project has been created to challenge knowledge and memory—not a difficult task these days! One such project was to learn to identify all of the skipper butterflies observed; this project carried over into two summers. After that, a new project was created to identify local dragonflies and damselflies for which a photo had been made. Let’s just say it remains a work in progress, and seemingly, every step forward is followed by two steps back. With the creation of the new butterfly garden and planting additional attractor flowers in other beds, this year’s project involves inventorying all the butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies observed and photographed on our property, mainly the back yard and lake shoreline.

A semiannual appointment with the cardiologist occurred on Monday, and he said I had the heart of a 19 year old. He must be a great BSer. A butterfly and a dragonfly were photographed Tuesday morning. The dragonfly was a “lifer”, a Prince Baskettail.

Prin de Baskettails
American Lady

A knee injury and persistent back issues generally prevented my serious participation in any physical outdoor activity during the week, although I did play golf on Tuesday; it was not pretty. Kay played golf with the Lady Duffers Wednesday morning, and shot a decent game.

The weekend was all about basketball as we drove to Cabot both Saturday and Sunday to watch grandson Ridge play. The handily won the three games on Saturday and the first on Sunday, but didn’t fair well in the second game; Ridge takes losses so seriously and he gives everything during the game.

Prior to the games on Sunday, a few photos were made of butterflies and damselflies. Even a bird made it into the album.

Another American Lady
Question Mark
Question Mark
Hoary Edge Skipper
? Damselfly
White-breasted Nuthatch

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